Tips on beating procrastination

Inspired by an email from Erik Pregel Thinking: think positively and affirm Best time to do each task effectively: hardest task at peak performance time Do most important tasks first Do not overextend: SAY NO to less important tasks REMAIN IN THE state of flow: block distractions Treat self after doing a hard task Be … More Tips on beating procrastination

Plautus’ Use of Costume: Menaechmi and Miles Gloriosus

How does Plautus use costumes to add to the success of his plays: The Brothers Menaechmus and The Swaggering Soldier? By using the gown and garland, Plautus is able to create humour and entertainment out of the confusion that arises out of being able to distinguish between Menaechmus and Sosicles. The moment where Sosicles removes … More Plautus’ Use of Costume: Menaechmi and Miles Gloriosus

Richard II’s inevitable downfall: Aspects of Tragedy

Shakespeare creates an inevitability of downfall in Richard II. This is brought about by the foreshadowing of Gaunt’s speeches that describe the tragic hero’s state that is in “reputation sick” due to the fact a “thousand flatterers sit within thy crown”. The assonance here really charges the line with power- making a clear link to the … More Richard II’s inevitable downfall: Aspects of Tragedy

Aeneid: Book 2 Summary for OCR Classical Civ spec

Aeneid: Book 2 Summary: Fall of Troy Flashback: Aeneas tells banqueters story of fall of Troy. Greeks erect wooden horse, persuade Trojans to drag it into city. During night Greek soldiers leave horse and open gates to comrades. Trojans put up fierce, yet futile resistance, Aeneas escapes from the city with father and son. 3 … More Aeneid: Book 2 Summary for OCR Classical Civ spec

Charles I

Charles I was the son of James I and his personality and way of ruling England proved to be very controversial, and even a factor leading to the English Civil War. He reigned England between 27 March 1625 – 30 January 1649, his coronation was on the 2 February 1626. Charles followed his father’s beliefs in … More Charles I


As I languish away during the summer, I have pondered upon the idea of setting up a blog for my studies during A-levels. Not only that, but this will also be my home of my gaming pursuits and other activities. I haven’t a clue how committed I will remain to this. This may even be … More Journey